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  • Writer's pictureAbigail

Welcome to the Abigail Designs Blog

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

Hello I'm Abigail, and if you would like to hear my story, click here - otherwise, welcome to the blog. This blog will be all things graphic design - it is a place where I will share helpful design tips and ideas on how you can level up your business.

Whether you need some pointers on creating social media graphics or want some help putting together a colour palette, Abigail Designs can help. By sharing my knowledge and experiences, I hope to provide you with valuable resources to help you navigate the world of design.

My mission is to give you confidence in what your business has to offer

At Abigail Designs, we understand that there are many hats you have to wear as a small business owner, and things can get overwhelming - especially when ALSO trying to establish your brand identity. With all your other responsibilities, it's easy to put design work on the back burner.

The thing is, a strong brand identity is crucial in building credibility with your audience and standing out for your competition. That's why I have worked with a wide range of different businesses to help them free up valuable time by taking the creative reigns and designing a memorable brand identity.

So fill out the enquiry form, we'll have a chat and let's solve your design dilemmas.

Click to Enquire Now


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